To carry on Dr. Needham's humanitarian efforts of promoting education, we are proud to present the 2022 JNFSC Public Lecture series focused on STEM Education. The series aims to promote Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics education, and to enable students to learn more about the recent development of various topics related to STEM.

Starting 5th October 2022, the lecture series will be offered on 3:00pm - 4:15pm, Wednesdays at the Lecture Hall, 1/F, Hong Kong Science Museum.
Below is a brief schedule of the topics involved. A detailed overview of the topics is available in the attached file.
For enquiries, please contact us at, or Ms. Celine Lee at +852 2866 6598.
日期Date | 講者Speaker | 講座題目及內容 Lecture Title and Content |
5.10.2022 | 何永基博士 Dr. Joshua Ho | 數碼醫療科技前瞻 Frontiers in Digital Health Technology |
12.10.2022 | 吳波教授 Prof. Bo Wu | 指引太空探索的地圖 Maps for Space Exploration |
19.10.2022 | 梁振聲博士 Dr. Leung Chun Sing | 太空天文學入門 Introduction to Space Astronomy |
26.10.2022 | 羅錦團博士 Dr. Victor Law Kam Tuen | 第二次量子革命和量子電腦 The Second Quantum Revolution and Quantum Computers |
9.11.2022 | 陳浩然教授 Prof. Edwin Chan Ho Yin | 生物信息學在神經系統疾病診斷中的應用 The use of bioinformatics in neurological condition diagnosis |
30.11.2022 | 阮君毓醫生 Dr. Jacqueline Yuen | 老人醫學與樂齡科技 Geriatrics and Gerontech |
7.12.2022 | 張欣教授 Prof. Xin Zhang | 單車空氣動力學 Aerodynamics of Cycling |